The Artist's Words

At age 12, I began to develop my calling as an “Artist of the Spirit” through self-taught meditation, drawing, painting, yoga and the study of the emerging field of metaphysics. Through this passionate study, accompanied by drawing and painting, I felt a deep connection to the other side of the veil.
My life's prayer is "God, bring through me whatever is necessary for us to see with the talents you have given me".
Unbeknownst to me at age 12, unconscious markings arose from channeled information that flowed through me, out of my hand and onto the paper and canvas. At age sixteen, my parents took me to an exhibition at the Detroit Institute of the Arts entitled “Rembrandt after 300 Years”. Inspired by a self-portrait of the artist at age eighteen, I felt moved and compelled to become “one of the greats”, without knowing “how”. By the time I was sixteen my paintings resembled those of the still life painters of the 18th Century.
I began to meditate, well, actually astral traveling in my own way, not knowing what this was eventually led me to experience what I will call a melding with everything, the macro and micro universe. I had vivid and aware “states of being” while visiting many amazing otherworldly places.
Our family moved to Toledo, Ohio in 1970 during my senior year in high school. Since all my classmates were from Detroit, I felt very alone and I focused on oil painting and drawing day and night, basically self-taught from an early age. The transition to the University of Toledo/Toledo Museum of Art School and Design was easy since my talents had already been developed, but required a master's guidance. My teacher, Diana Attie was quick to recognize my abilities guiding me to acquire the necessary skills becoming a talented draftsman, and I went on to explore printmaking. I graduated from the University of Toledo with a degree in Medical Illustration and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
During graduate school I became interested in the photographic arts, being light based and able to capture reality, I eventually explored light as a medium in itself and developed a “Light Painting System” to paint with light as a painter would, using light as a raw source material on light sensitive, photo-sensitive papers. I had an electronics engineer build a “light brush”, a fiber-optic tool where I could stand and paint with light as photographic chemicals recirculated over the light sensitive paper in a large upright easel tray that I invented.
In 1994 the Kodak Corporation sponsored my exhibition and catalogue of the “Discovery of The Living Picture” (The Mold Picture Process) series at the Amerika Haus in Frankfurt, Germany, where I represented the United States Information Service of an artist abroad. Two years later the major biotech corporation Promega published this discovery in the science world as a major discovery bridging the arts and sciences.
After graduate school I founded and operated a house painting business in and around the Madison, Wisconsin area for 16 years, which afforded me the income to work my thirst for creativity. This business afforded me eight months to develop myself and pursue my art career. I exhibited principally in Chicago and Germany. My works have been collected by institutions and individuals across the globe.
I worked as an Art & Multimedia Director for an Internet start-up, providing video and art for their online templates. In 2000, I was contacted by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater to teach creative photography.
Since 2012, I have been a featured speaker/presenter at various spiritual conferences, where I present "The Spirit Box Experience”. It has become a passion and a vigorous pursuit of mine to assist others through the arts to understand and connect more in depth with their own spirituality and oneness.
Andre Ferrella
Inventor of Photographic Instruments and Techniques
The Living Picture-Mold Picture Process (post processing photographic negatives with organic substances)
Ferrella Photographic Easel (large scale continuous multi-exposure/multi-processing system)
The Light Brush (airbrush- and painting-like light instrument)
Multi-Tiered Photographic Exposure Masker
Born Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
1978-1980 University of Wisconsin-Madison, M.F.A.
1971-1975 University of Toledo/ Toledo Museum of Art School of Design, B.A.
(Art, Film, Medical Illustration, Science)
Gallery Walk Exhibition, La Condesa, Mexico City
Gallery Night Fall, Madison, Wisconsin
Gallery Night Spring, Madison, Wisconsin
Live Painting Performance for “Respiration”, Columbus, Wisconsin
Kryon Summer Light Conference, "The Spirit Box Experience", Presentation, Sedona, Arizona
Infinite Light & Sound Sanctuary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Gallery Night Madison, Wisconsin
Figuratively Speaking Exhibition, "Lazzaro Ferrella Testolin", Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Gib's Bar, "Ferrella Testolin Mushka", Madison, Wisconsin
Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
Gallery Night Madison, Wisconsin
Art & Divinity-Stephan Spencer Interview
KCOR Radio Interview-Life in the Hologram
Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
Gallery Night Madison, Wisconsin
Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
4Pillars4Health, The Philosophy of Light, Monona, Wisconsin University of Wisconsin
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Marzen Gallery, Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
Social Justice Center, Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
Quality CBD, Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
Professional Development Grant University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Marzen Gallery, Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
Quality CBD, Live Painting Performances, Madison, Wisconsin
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Professional Development Grant University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Marilyn Harper Quantum Living Conference, Chicago, Illinois
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Professional Development Grant University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Kryon Summer Light Conference, Hot Springs, Arkansas
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Professional Development Grant University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Kryon Summer Light Conference, Sedona, Arizona
Kryon Seminars with Lee Carroll, Chicago, Illinois
-, San Antonio, Texas
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Professional Development Grant University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Exploring the Quantum Keys of Light, Madison, Wisconsin
Kryon Summer Light Conference, Mount Shasta, California
Up Close with Lee Carroll-Kryon, Madison, Wisconsin
Whitewater Arts Alliance Exhibition, Whitewater, Wisconsin
Light workers Midwest Conference, Naperville, Illinois Transformational Talk Radio Interview, WBLQ
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Professional Development Grant University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Exploring the Quantum Keys of Light, Madison, Wisconsin
Kryon Summer Light Conference, Mount Shasta, California
Up Close with Lee Carroll-Kryon, Madison, Wisconsin
Whitewater Arts Alliance Exhibition, Whitewater, Wisconsin
Light workers Midwest Conference, Naperville, Illinois
Kryon Seminars, Madison, Wisconsin
Kryon Summer Light Conference, Mt. Shasta,
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Professional Development Grant University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Kryon Summer Light Conference, Sedona, Arizona
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys Workshop, Sedona, Arizona
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys Workshop, Madison, Wisconsin
The Rise of The Fallen-Wisconsin, The Highground Memorial Park, Neilsville, Wisconsin
The Rise of The Fallen-Wisconsin, Sonoma, California
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Studio 84, Manacles of Memories, Whitewater, Wisconsin, Faculty Exhibitions
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The Rise of The Fallen
The Highground Newsletter, Wisconsin
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
The Rise of The Fallen-Wisconsin, Milwaukee War Memorial/Milwaukee Art Museum
The Rise of The Fallen-Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Presentation of The Rise of The Fallen by invitation to the National VFW organization, Washington D.C.
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
The Rise of The Fallen-Wisconsin, a Midwest travelling commemoration to the American soldiers who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan, Wisconsin Veterans Museum, Madison
WISC3TV, Documentary on The Rise of The Fallen, Andy Choi
Presentation of The Rise of The Fallen by invitation to the National VFW organization, Kansas City
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
The Rise of The Fallen, a commemoration to the American soldiers who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan, First Unitarian Society, Masonic, Madison
The Rise of The Fallen, a commemoration to the American soldiers who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan, Masonic Center, Madison
Benefit for The Wisconsin Women’s Health Organization, State Capitol, Madison
Benefit for United Cerebral Palsy Organization, Madison
WISC-3 TV, Documentary on The Rise of The Fallen, Terri Barr Benefit for Big Brothers/Big Sisters Organization, Madison
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Exhibit
50 Plus Lifestyles Magazine-Andre Ferrella-Artist of the Spirit
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Artist of the Spirit - Andre Ferrella, Elmhurst Art Museum
“The Spotlight shines on Andre Ferrella”, Brava Magazine
“Andre Ferrella - Artist of the Spirit”, ZDF television documentary, Germany, France
Artist of the Spirit - Andre Ferrella, Comcast Cable Documentary, Chicago
Lecture Art Cologne
Lecture Loyola University Museum of Art -“Spirituality in Art”
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Exhibit
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Artist of the Spirit - Andre Ferrella, Elmhurst Art Museum
Scar Tissue, Commonwealth Gallery
Lecture Elmhurst Art Museum, Elmhurst, Illinois
Lecture Unity Association of International Churches, Seattle, Washington
Andre Ferrella - Artist of the Spirit, Multimedia DVD, Elmhurst Art Museum
“Ferrella nears timelessness with least spectacular works”, Chicago Tribune, October 19th
“Andre Ferrella - Artist of the Spirit”, Comcast Cable television documentary, Chicago
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
ONE FROM WISCONSIN, West Bend Art Museum
Beyond the Boundaries, The Art of Digital Photography, Fairfield Museum of Contemporary Art
Art Koln 2005, Germany
Oskar Friedl Gallery, 15 Anniversary Exhibition
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Portraits, Schneider Gallery, Chicago
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
BlueStar, Sony Center Berlin, Germany
Art Koln 2004, Germany
Kunst Koeln 2004, Germany
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”
Fluxus Spirits, Fluxus Headquarters, Germany
Spirit Boxes, [DAM]Berlin, Digital Art Museum, Berlin, Germany
Spirits, Oskar Friedl Gallery, Chicago
The Living Pictures, Charles Allis Museum
Beautiful Flowers, Villa Terrace Museum
Night Pyramid - Kites on Ice, multimedia installation on Lake Monona, Wisconsin
Surrealism: Space and Psyche in Play, Spaightwood Galleries
University of Wisconsin Whitewater Faculty Exhibition
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, multimedia installation, Japan
Quicksilver Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Art Vienna 2003, Austria
Art Cologne 2003, Germany
Art Innsbruck 2003, Austria
Chicago Photography, Oskar Friedl Gallery
Lakeview Museum, Peoria, Illinois
University of Wisconsin Whitewater
Art Chicago 2003, Oskar Friedl Gallery
“Andre Ferrella finds freedom in simplicity", Chicago Tribune, July 11th
Must See Gallery Shows, Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, Gallery Night, Milwaukee
Footlights-the total performance magazine, on the cover, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Spirit in the box", Die Welt review, August 8th
River west Currents, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 23rd
Andre Ferrella shows at Oskar Friedl Gallery, New City Chicago, Michael Weinstein, June 30th
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”
Night Pyramid - Kites on Ice, multimedia installation on Lake Monona, Wisconsin
Night of Thoughts, Oskar Friedl Gallery
Digitale Fotographie-Living Pictures, Essenheimer Kunstverein, Germany
Art Vienna 2002, Galerie Lieser, Austria
ArtChicago 2002, Oskar Friedl Gallery
Lazzaro Signature Gallery of Fine Art
New Work, New Faces, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
ArtFitters, Madison, Wisconsin
CyberArts 2002, PrixArs Electronica 2002, Linz, Austria
Kingsfoot Gallery, Madison, Wisconsin
Photo Fest 2002, Madison, Wisconsin
Andre Ferrella - …a triumph of technique”, Chicago Tribune, Alan Artner, March 8th
"Schimmelbilder Andre Ferrellas in Essenheim", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung review, Sept. 3rd, Germany
"Schimmel verleiht Fotos Lebendigkeit", Mainzer Rhein Zeitung review, Sept. 3rd, Germany
"...a triumph of technique..." Chicago Tribune Review, March 8 Treasures from the Vault, Oskar Friedl Gallery
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”
Discovery of the Living Picture, Loyola University
The Digital Garden, Galerie der Gegenwart, Wiesbaden, Germany
Oskar Friedl Gallery
Digital 2001, Galerie der Gegenwart, Wiesbaden, Germany
PhotoFest 2001, Madison, Wisconsin
Loyola University Chicago (2001) Lecture and Presentation
Kunst und Gesellschaft, Beitrage zu einem komplexen Verhaltnis, Hans Zitko, book
Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg ISBN 3-933 257-25-5
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”
Snapshot, Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, Maryland
Buddha, Oskar Freidl Gallery
Die Electronic Art Gallery,, Andre Ferrella, Dusseldorf, Germany
Wisconsin Film Festival
Creative Agenda, Chris Bjorkland, WORT 89.9, interview with Andre Ferrella
THE BUDDHA SHOW: 25 Artists Interpret Buddha,
PhotoFest 2000, Madison, Wisconsin
Lecture and Presentation Toledo Museum of Art/University of Toledo
Lecture and Presentation School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Lecturer University Wisconsin-Whitewater, “Photography, Expression, Experimentation”, Digital Photography & Imaging
Natural Canvas, Kevin Lynch, The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, June 11
Wisconsin’s rich and varied Palette, John Aehl, Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, Wisconsin, September 5
Triennial, Kevin Lynch, The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, September 15
Supplement d’Art, Ecole des Beaux-Arts St. Etienne, France, June
Art of a Different mold, Wisconsin State Journal, October 11
Lynch, Kevin, The art of sight unseen, The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, January 30
Teaching University of Wisconsin-Madison, Advanced Photography - “The Ferrella Photographic Easel and The Principles of Light”
Lynch, Kevin, Promega does art right, The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, August 27
Lynch, Kevin, Jazz, The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, July 9
Fisher, Joan, Andre Ferrella, Madison Magazine, Madison, Wisconsin, May
Vallongo, Sally and Laub, Kim, News of Art - Andre Ferrella, The Blade, Toledo, Ohio, April 1
Aehl, John, Moldy beauty, Wisconsin State Journal, Madison, Wisconsin, March 12
Lynch, Kevin, "Living Art" photos exquisitely textured, The Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin, March 12
Mr. Eddy, Andre Ferrella Isthmus, Critics Choice, Madison, Wisconsin, March 7
The Source for Discovery, 1997 Promega Catalogue
Teaching University of Wisconsin-Madison, Advanced Photography - “The Ferrella Photographic Easel and The Principles of Light”
Veranstaltungen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, October 14
Veranstaltungen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, October 21
Die "Schimmelbilder" entstehen bach Vergradben der Negative, Frankfurter Neue Presse, Germany, September 16
bab, Andre Ferrella - Wechselbader, Frankfurter Rundshau, Germany, October 21
Eastman Kodak Corporation's WorldWide Marketing Professional & Printing Imaging Division Project Grant for publication of a color catalogue in conjunction with the EMANATIONS Exhibition (Frankfurt)United States Information Service sponsorship for US Artist Abroad to represent the United States for the 50th anniversary of the Amerika Haus in Germany
Delta Airlines co-sponsorship for US Artist Abroad
Rhem, James, The Eyes have it, Andre Ferrella "paints" powerful photo imagery, Isthmus,
The Culture, City Notes, Madison, Wisconsin, November
Foerstner, Abigail, Photography, Chicago Tribune, February
Wieduwilt, Stefan, Original Kunst, Berliner Morgenpost, June
W.L., Amerikanische Ansichten, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, June
Heyden, Susanne, Wielgestaltige Signale einer Grosstadt, Volksblatt Berlin, June
WISC-TV, Andre Ferrella Documentary, Mark Koehn producer
Artner, Alan, Andre Ferrella, Chicago Tribune, February
Lecturer and Presentations Chicago Cultural Center
Wisconsin Public Television, WHA, Prime Time Wisconsin-Andre Ferrella, Light Painter, January, 1989, Debra Mims producer, (shown through the 1989-1990 season)
WISC-TV, Andre Ferrella Documentary, Mark Koehn producer
Artner, Alan, Photos Capture Richness of Sister Arts, Chicago Tribune, January
Hawkins, Margaret, Casting artists as Mystics is tricky, Chicago Sun Times, February
Veranstaltungen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, October 14
Veranstaltungen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany, October 21
Die "Schimmelbilder" entstehen bach Vergradben der Negative, Frankfurter Neue Presse, Germany, September 16
bab, Andre Ferrella - Wechselbader, Frankfurter Rundshau, Germany, October 21
Awarded by Eastman Kodak Corporation's WorldWide Marketing Professional & Printing Imaging Division
Awarded Project Grant for publication of a color catalogue in conjunction with the EMANATIONS Exhibition (Frankfurt)United States Information Service sponsorship for US Awarded Artist Abroad to represent the United States for the 50th anniversary of the Amerika Haus in Germany
Awarded Delta Airlines co-sponsorship for US Artist Abroad
Rhem, James, The Eyes have it, Andre Ferrella "paints" powerful photo imagery, Isthmus,
The Culture, City Notes, Madison, Wisconsin, November
Luminations, The Mode Theater, Waterloo, Wisconsin
Lecturer and Presentation Chicago Cultural Center
Wieduwilt, Stefan, Original Kunst, Berliner Morgenpost, June
W.L., Amerikanische Ansichten, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, June
Heyden, Susanne, Wielgestaltige Signale einer Grosstadt, Volksblatt Berlin, June
Wisconsin Public Television, WHA, Prime Time Wisconsin-Andre Ferrella, LightPainter,
January, 1989, Debra Mims producer, (shown through the 1989-1990 season)
WISC-TV, Andre Ferrella Documentary, Mark Koehn producer
Artner, Alan, Andre Ferrella, Chicago Tribune, February
Artner, Alan, Photos Capture Richness of Sister Arts, Chicago Tribune, January
Hawkins, Margaret, Casting artists as Mystics is tricky, Chicago Sun Times, February
Toni Schlesinger, Andre Ferrella, Chicago Reader, February
Lecture and Presentation Madison Art Center
Phil Davis, Isthmus, Andre Ferrella, Madison, Wisconsin, November 1985
Nelson, Boris, Artists Exhibition Opens Today, The Blade, Toledo, Ohio, June 5
65th Annual Exhibition, Toledo Museum of Art-Second Place Award
Welch Everman, Science Serves Artists Well, Wisconsin State Journal, August
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Adult Education, Beginning and Intermediate Photography
National Invitational Drawing Exhibition, Indiana University
Lakeview Center for the Arts and Sciences, Peoria, Illinois-Purchase Award
Sixteenth National Bradley Show, Bradley University, Illinois
Art on Art of Paper Art, Illinois State University
Works on Paper, Louisville, Kentucky
Exhibit, Andre Ferrella, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
Prospectus, Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio
Artists of the Gallery, Images Gallery, Toledo, Ohio
Art in the Shade Gallery, Lansing, Michigan
Architectural Art, The National Institute of Architects, Washington, D.C.
Andre Ferrella, Toledo Museum of Art School of Design, B.A. Exhibition
Exhibition Prospectus, Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio
Exhibition Art on Art of Paper Art, Illinois State University
Exhibition Art on Art of Paper Art, Illinois State University
June Miller Show, Andre Ferrella, TV-3, Toledo, Ohio
Painted a portrait of The Baby Jesus and took painting seriously formulating my life's prayer..."God, bring through
me whatever is necessary for us to see with the talents you have given me".
The Rise of The Fallen

Ferrella's deep commitment to and belief in the inter-connectedness of all is the driving force behind the creation of The Rise of The Fallen (a 501(c)3 non-profit organization).
This Spirit Box memorial for the U.S. military members who have fallen in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan is not only a commemoration of their service and sacrifice but is also meant to serve as a healing experience both for those who have lost loved ones and for the country as a whole.